Biological Nurturing Assumptions – A set of Beliefs
- Mothers and babies are versatile feeders. There is not one way to breastfeed
- A baby does not need to be awake to latch on and feed
- Babies often self attach; mothers can help them do this
- Babies often have reflex movements called cues indicating they are ready to feed whilst asleep
- Looking for baby reflex feeding cues helps mothers to get to know their babies sooner. This increases confidence
- Crying and hunger cues are late feeding indicators often making latching difficult. Getting started with breastfeeding is about releasing baby feeding reflexes as stimulants, helping babies find the breast, latch on and feed… not about interest
- The breastfeeding position the baby uses often mimics the baby was in the womb
- There is no right or wrong breastfeeding position. The right position is the one that works
- Babies do not always feed for hunger; “non nutritive sucking’ is hugely beneficial to increase your milk and satisfy your baby’s needs