Biological Nurturing

Welcome to the Biological Nurturing website. Whether you are a mother-to-be or have had your baby or a health professional wanting to expand your knowledge base we hope you find this website useful and informative.
BN, developed from observations of mothers who enjoy breastfeeding, describes the holding and cuddling that most mothers naturally want to do as soon as the baby is born. It is a newly developed approach to breastfeeding underpinned by a strong neurobehavioural theoretical framework. People often suggest that breastfeeding is the easiest and most natural way to feed a baby. However, many mothers disagree, saying that breastfeeding does not feel natural at all; many do not appear to enjoy breastfeeding. Mothers often say they don’t have enough hands to breastfeed and find it difficult. This bad press together with gaps in the evidence base and static, low breastfeeding continuance rates present a strong argument to examine and develop new approaches.

Click on this link to see a recent interview with Tracy Donegan, Suzanne Colson and Joelle Colson